No politics today. Today is about remembrance. Eight years ago our nation was savagely attacked by cowards who hate our freedom and our way of life. In December I was fortunate enough to visit New York. Of all the sites I wished to see in the Big Apple, Ground Zero was at the top of my list. I boarded a subway with a co-worker, and then walked many blocks to visit the site of one of the greatest tragedies in this nation's history. You can still feel the power that permeates the site. I beats at your senses. I openly wept, unashamedly as I walked around the site and through the museum. In the beating heart of a city of eight million souls, I felt the crush of infinite sadness that crashed over me like waves on the ocean, and more alone than I have ever felt in my life. I was not alone however. There were people from all over the country around Ground Zero. I talked with some of them, and with New Yorkers who were there when the towers fell. Many of my countrymen were there, on their knees in prayer. As I wept uncontrollably, a nameless man came and put his arm around me. He said no words, none were needed. He gave my shoulder a squeeze, and departed, and I no longer felt alone. I felt wrapped in a great love for this nation. I do not know this man's name, or where he was from, nor where he is today. All I know is that at a time when I was hurting, he was there to help. Today is not about clean green group-think. Today is a day about remembering what befell one of our great cities. A day to pray for the survivors, the families of the victims, the fallen themselves and the heroes of flight 93, NYPD, FDNY, paramedics and the countless nameless who helped out. Remember this day. Tell you children, who are too young to remember it for themselves. Like Pearl Harbor, We must never forget this day. All day I will be posting video and pictures as a tribute, and a reminder.
"The Four Thoughts that Turn the Mind to the Dharma"...
6 minutes ago
Thank you for this touching post.
We will never forget!
A day that changed alot of lives.
Rock on.
You are welcome. Thank you for reading.
Thank you for reading.
Huge, epic remembrance effort, Sir. Thank you so much for your comparative youthful grasp of this. Thank you for raising your children to understand...
Just Thank YOU.
Just trying to do my part. I remember 9/11 like it is seared into my brain. Prior to this attack, I was relatively apolitical. 9/11 was my personal political awakening. My wife supposes that the trauma of this awakening accounts for my zeal. I don't know if she is right or wrong, but I do know that this acted on me like an epiphany. As for my children, I want them to feel safe but to understand that their safety is in their own hands. My oldest is already well on the road. Thank you for reading.
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