Thursday, June 10, 2010

News Roundup

Senators Fret Over Big 12 Collapse, Explore Options - Really? With two wars, the other troubles in the Middle East, terrorist attacks, and a major oil spill disaster in the gulf, and this is what congress is concerned with? Really?

In South Carolina, Greene is Mystery Man Despite Winning Democratic Senate Nod - Proof that libs will vote for anybody.

Sarah Palin's Breasts - Again, with all that is going on in the world and this is news?

Boehner Presents Obama with Letter from Economists Underscoring GOP Points - The Chosen one knows best though.

Goat Spears Rep. Weiner, Draws Blood - Bwahahahahahahahahaha!

Dems' Tough New Immigration Pitch - Alright you can stay, but only you promise to stop breaking the law. Pinky swear!

VIDEO: Man Punched During Protest Against Government Bailouts - As soon as that dude hit me I would have dropped him. If he touched my wife, I would have broken three bones just for drill, then I gone to work on him.

Cato Scholar Jokes about Using Undocumented Immigrants to Soak Up Oil: 'they're very absorbent.' - Ah, a perfect example of the tolerance of the left.

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