Tip O' the Hat to my dad for this awesome video. I hope the libs are paying attention, but somehow I doubt it.
In The Mailbox: 01.23.25 (Evening Edition)
2 hours ago
Conservative commentary on current news and events by the last hold-out in the conservative redoubt, stationed deep in the heart of the latte-sucking liberal occupation zone, Northwest Command. Guerrilla blogger standing up to oppression and daring the left to come and get me!!
Shitty blog is shitty. BTW the only people who have ever referred to Obama in religious terms ARE the right. Clearly suffering from Obama Derangement Syndrome....
Good Day to you Anon,
Your first sentence is rather confused. Are you saying that this blog is shitty, of that another blog by the name of Shitty blog is shitty? My assumption is that that either you are mentally deficient, your status as a lib lends some credence to this theory, or you suffer from Conservative Derangement Syndrome, and as a sufferer, get so mad when you see a conservative, you can not form a complete and coherent sentence. This could also be a result of living in New Jersey. Having been there, I understand the fact that coherence is difficult due to your New York inferiority complex. You are right however that it is usually the right, always to my knowledge, that refers to The Chosen One in religious term. However, if it looks like a duck, walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, chances are it is a duck. It you libs are going to idolize and worship this idiot, then please do not get your panties in a wad when someone calls it what it is. You libs look at this moron as some kind of savior when all he is is is an inexperienced, naive, socialist thug.
Well done.
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Amiable fill someone in on and this fill someone in on helped me alot in my college assignement. Say thank you you for your information.
Anon 2/2,
Thank you for reading and I am glad I could help.
Brim over I to but I about the post should have more info then it has.
The informational content was a list of why we are angry with the leftist leadership, and a warning that they are getting a pink slip. No other information is necessary. After all, this is not a court of law, where all our grievances will be listed with supporting evidence ad nauseum. The video is telling them that they are sub-standard and we will be glad to not only see the back of them, but to make it happen.
There has been some confusion about the "first" comment on this post. The original first comment was from an anonymous poster from New Jersey (thank you SiteMeter) who said, "shitty blog is shitty." He then accused me of suffering from "Liberal Derangement Syndrome." He went on to say that only the right portrays The Chosen One as a savior figure. I hope this clears up the confusion.
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